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Top 10 Things About Me

  1. I was born in Washington D.C, raised in Massachusetts, now live in Maryland.

  2. I  received a B.A. in English from Penn State University.

  3. I’ve worked in marketing and advertising most of my career, mainly as a copywriter.

  4.  I  published my debut novel, Bad Hair Day, in 2014.

  5.  I have a terrific husband and two great daughters who all inspire me.

  6. Reading is tops on my list of addictions. Writing is a close second.

  7.   I may have a slight problem with watching too much reality T.V.

  8. My favorite adult novel of all time is Native Son by Richard Wright.

  9. One of my favorite children's titles is What's for Lunch Charley? by Margaret Hodges. 

  10.  I am a certified bibliophile. I'd seek help but if loving books is wrong I don't want to be right

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